
Thierry Hennet (Thierry Hennet) - traveler, amateur photographer and professional biologist from Zurich. "Photography is a great way to dream with open eyes and enjoy the world outside of my research lab." Geyser Strokkur, Iceland Waterfall Seljalandsfoss, Iceland 's Lutheran Church in Reykjavik Iceland Swiss Alps Lavertezzo, SwitzerlandSchwagalp, Alps, Switzerland Schachen bei Herisau. Switzerland Swiss autumn Otelfingen Swiss Alps Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria in Germany Italian landscape Piazza del Campo (Piazza del Campo) - the central square of the Italian city of Siena, one of the greatest medieval squares. Al Wadi al Jadid, Egypt Sahara White Desert in Egypt Egypt loft city of Bonifacio in southern Corsica, France Rainforest El Yunque in Puerto Rico, colorful street of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Amsterdam clogs Amsterdam Park in Sneek, Netherlands Somewhere near Harlingen, Netherlands Set in the Netherlands on the beach in British Columbia Death Valley, California Bryce Canyon, Utah, Zion National Park on the border of Arizona and Utah Pineapple Fountain in South Carolina on the beach, South Carolina Alps Waterfall Svartifoss, Iceland

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