
 Lake Yueyatsyuan (spring "new moon") is surrounded by mountains Minshashan. In ancient times it was called medical spa or pit in the sand. The water of this lake is crystal-clear. From the desert to the lake only a few tens of meters. A source in the shape of a crescent Yueyatsyuan in dry desert - it's just a miracle.

 OzeroYueyatsyuan - having a crescent-shaped lake in the oasis of Dunhuang, 5 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang (Gansu Province, China). According to measurements performed in 1960, the average depth of the lake then was from 4 to 5 m, maximum depth - 7.5 m. Since the depth of the lake constantly decreased. By the early 1990s, a mirror of the lake was reduced to only 5.500m
 Lake and the surrounding desert are very popular among tourists.

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