
 barren lands guard
Surprisingly, an Indian - this is not the work of man. It was created by nature. The relief of about 255 to 225 meters is located in Alberta, near the border with the United States. To create a "headphone" people worked - in fact it is an oil well and the road to it.
Face of Christ
Obscure Holy Face of Jesus Christ was found in a field in Hungary.

Tarapacá Giant
One of the oldest in the world geoglyphs 9000 years, it is located in the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world.

This Gulliver, lying on the grass next to the Scottish Edinburgh, looks very old, but in reality it was made ​​in 1976 in furtherance of the district Kreygmillar. It made ​​of concrete, and for a long time Gulliver is the largest concrete sculpture in Europe.

Next year, the portrait of his father Turks - former president, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - will mark the thirtieth anniversary. Three thousand people laid out the 130-meter face of limestone, some of whom painted in black.

Genghis Khan
Portrait of a Mongol chief of all time is cut into the hillside near the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator.

Osmingtonskaya white horse
White horses have a special meaning in my life geoglifistov. Hoofed near the village of Sutton Poyntts UK Created in the 18th century.

Pink Rabbit
60-meter pink bunny, made ​​in 2005 the art group Getlin, reclines on the Italian hills, 65 km from Monaco. It is related of woolen yarn, stuffed with straw and still in good spirits. Getlin assure that the rabbit will live another 15 years, and lead to its puzu tour.

The island is called Galesnyak, located in Croatia, belongs to a private person and was previously uninhabited. He became well-known two years ago after it found adherents of Google Earth and spread the image over the network. Shortly before the February 14, 2009 the owner of the island Vlado Dzhuresko bombarded with questions, how to spend the holiday at Galesnyake.Now this is one of tourist symbols of Croatia.

On the ground, this hill is absolutely nothing stands out - the usual mound of 800 meters. A satellite Sudanese Hill looks to a tee as the lips.

Island Time
Celtic sign "Island Time" was created in 1995 near the airport in Munich, the artist William Holderidom.

It dumps the largest quarry in the world, belonging to the largest producer of copper - Chilean National Copper Corporation.

The vast expanses of Nevada - a favorite place for creating bizarre characters.

Arab Sheikh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan dug on the island Futaisi about Abu Dhabi its name. The letters - one kilometer, the first two letters represent the navigable channel.

Lenin 100 years
In Russia there is a giant image in the main from the Soviet era and they are connected with the Soviet Union, communism and, of course, Lenin. A huge forest belt in the form of the inscription "Lenin 100 years" is in the Kurgan region and near the village of Arkhangelsk.

KFC Advertisement
Kentucky Fried Chicken logo in Nevada, seen from space.

Logo Browser was made ​​in 2006 in a cornfield near the city of Portland, Oregon. The fiery fox area of 4000 sq. m. marked the 50 millionth download Mozilla Firefox.

Coca Cola
100th anniversary of Coca-Cola in Chile otmetitli create a logo out of 70 000 bottles. The largest Coca Cola logo has a size of 120 by 50 meters.

Eat pecans

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